Hazardous Situations

House Fires

Fire Safety Precautions:

  • Avoid smoking in bed or when using oxygen.
  • Keep open flames away from gas sources.
  • Replace or repair frayed electrical cords.
  • Store flammable materials properly and away from heat sources.
  • Ensure smoke detectors are functional and placed near sleeping areas.
  • Regular maintenance of heating systems by professionals.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher readily accessible.
  • Immediate Actions if a Fire Erupts:
  • Evacuate immediately if the fire is uncontrollable.
  • Turn off oxygen supplies if in use.
  • Use stairs instead of elevators.
  • Close doors behind you to contain the fire.
  • Call the fire department once safely outside.

Power Outages

Initial Steps:

  • Check if the outage is isolated to your home or is a broader issue.
  • Contact the utility company if the outage is widespread.

During an Extended Outage:

  • Set up generators safely outdoors.
  • Keep flashlights and emergency kits handy.
  • Unplug electrical appliances to prevent damage when power returns.
  • Keep refrigeration units closed to maintain temperature.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Extreme Heat:

  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • Use air conditioning or fans to cool down.
  • Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Recognize signs of heat exhaustion and seek medical help if necessary.

Extreme Cold:

  • Keep warm with adequate clothing and heating.
  • Avoid staying still for too long; physical activity can generate body heat.
  • Protect extremities with gloves and waterproof footwear.

Major Police Incidents

If Near an Incident:

  • Follow law enforcement directions and evacuate if instructed.
  • Avoid posting sensitive information on social media.
  • Limit phone use to reduce network congestion.

Shelter-in-Place and Evacuation Orders


  • Seal windows and doors, and turn off air systems that draw outside air.
  • Stay informed through radio or TV.
  • Evacuation:
  • Follow evacuation orders promptly.
  • Take essential items, including emergency kits and medications.
  • Protect your home by turning off utilities if instructed.

Vehicles & Downed Power Lines

  • Stay in the vehicle if a power line falls on it and call for help.
  • If the vehicle catches fire, jump clear without touching the ground and vehicle simultaneously.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively navigate through hazardous situations, ensuring your safety and that of others around you.

What to Do During Natural Disasters
Natural disasters can strike with little to no warning, making it crucial to be prepared in advance. This guide outlines vital steps for safety and first aid, aiming for at least 72 hours of self-sufficiency for you and your household, regardless of whether you choose to shelter in place or evacuate. Below are resources and detailed actions to ensure you're ready for the most common emergencies.

Important Resources:
US Government Disaster Preparedness:https://www.usa.gov/prepare-for-disasters
American Red Cross Emergency Preparedness:https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies.html
Emergency Preparedness Guide:https://www.redcross.ca/crc/documents/3-1-2-1_-72-hour-guide.pdf
Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by American Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/atg/PDF_s/Preparedness___Disaster_Recovery/Disaster_Preparedness/Disaster_Preparedness_for_Srs-English.revised_7-09.pdf

Preparing for Natural Disasters:
Determine the Risks:

  • Identify potential natural disasters in your area.
  • Assess your personal and household vulnerabilities.

Develop an Emergency Plan:

  • Map out evacuation routes and meeting points.
  • Compile a list of local and out-of-town contacts.
  • Plan for individuals with special needs and pets.
  • Know the locations of essential utilities and safety equipment.
  • Practice fire escape routes and conduct regular drills.

Compile an Emergency Kit:

During a Natural Disaster:
Emergency and Non-Emergency Calls:

  • Emergency (fire, crime, medical emergencies): Dial 9-1-1.
  • Non-Emergency (local police, fire department, paramedics): Use local phone book listings.

General Guidelines:

  • Follow your emergency plan.
  • Stay informed through local news and authorities.
  • Avoid unnecessary risks and help others if safely possible.

Specific Situations:
Winter Storms:

  • Stay indoors and keep warm.
  • Ensure your emergency kit is accessible.


  • Be aware of flood risks and preparedness measures.
  • Evacuate if advised, and avoid moving through floodwaters.


  • Prepare for possible evacuation.
  • Keep informed about the fire's status and road closures.


  • Take cover under sturdy furniture and protect yourself from falling debris.

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis:

  • Follow evacuation orders and seek shelter in designated safe spots.

After a Natural Disaster:

  • Stay calm and check for injuries.
  • Listen to local news for information and instructions.
  • Avoid using phones except for emergencies.
  • Inspect your property for damage safely.

This guide offers a foundational overview. For comprehensive preparation and specific advice, refer to the provided resources and tailor your plan to fit your needs and circumstances. Your readiness can make a significant difference in the face of natural disasters.

Jun 11, 2024

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