Protect Your Personal Safety

Ensuring personal safety is crucial for everyone, particularly for the elderly who may be more vulnerable due to physical limitations and a potentially longer recovery time from injuries. Here are essential tips to help reduce the risk of theft and bodily harm both inside and outside your home:

  • Door Locks: Keep your doors locked at all times for enhanced security.
  • Visitor Verification: Always carry your phone to the door, check through the peephole, and verify the identity of visitors before opening the door.
  • Staff Identification: CareSphere staff carry photo ID badges. If in doubt, verify their identity by calling our agency with the worker waiting outside.
  • Behavioral Changes: Stay alert to changes in the behavior of people within your home, as this could signal potential danger.
  • Reputable Workers Only: Ensure that only reputable workers or contractors enter your home for maintenance or service work.
  • Purse Safety: If carrying a purse, wear the strap across your body and keep essentials like keys, cell phone, and identification in your pocket.
  • Carry Minimal Cash: Avoid carrying large sums of cash unless absolutely necessary for your outing
  • Elevator Safety: Stand near the control panel with your back against the wall for quick access. Exit immediately if you feel uneasy.
  • Hallway Vigilance: Walk down the middle of hallways, avoiding alcoves and corners where visibility is reduced.
  • Stairway Awareness: Keep track of the floors when using stairways to maintain your orientation.
  • Secure Storage: Keep jewelry, money, credit cards, and other valuables in a secure place that is not easily accessible.
  • Emergency Contacts: Don't hesitate to call “9-1-1” or your local police if you feel fearful or concerned about anything in your vicinity.

How to Protect Yourself at Home:

  • Storage: Keep food, dishes, and cooking tools within easy reach, ideally between eye and knee level.
  • Ladders: Use foot ladders with handles for high cabinets; avoid unstable furniture.
  • Clutter-Free: Maintain uncluttered counters and keep flammable items away from the stove.
  • Appliance Safety: Ensure appliances are in working order and controls are accessible.
  • Floor Safety: Remove throw rugs and use non-skid wax. Immediately clean spills.


  • Storage: Keep medications and hazardous materials out of reach. Emergency Numbers: Keep a list of essential contacts readily available.
  • Emergency Numbers: Keep a list of essential contacts readily available.


  • Preparation: Follow FDA guidelines for cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling food.
  • Water Safety: Use bottled water or boil tap water if safety is compromised. *


  • No Smoking: Enforce a strict no-smoking policy around oxygen equipment.
  • Distance: Keep equipment away from heat sources.
  • Awareness: Educate all household members on oxygen safety.


  • Lighting: Brighten stairs and hallways. Install nightlights.
  • Furniture: Arrange for clear pathways. Choose sofas and chairs that support easy sitting and standing.
  • Clutter Control: Avoid newspapers and clutter in walkways. Secure rugs with non-slip backing.


  • Bed Selection: Choose beds easy to get into and out of. Secure the mattress to prevent sliding.
  • Lighting: Place lamps within easy reach. Use nightlights for visibility to the bathroom.


  • Shower Safety: Use non-shattering materials for enclosures and non-skid mats.
  • Mobility Aids: Install grab bars and consider a raised toilet seat or one with armrests for stability.
  • Water Temperature: Set heaters below scalding levels (below 120° F).
  • Night Light: Install for visibility.


  • Handrails: Install sturdy ones on both sides, indoors and outdoors.
  • Non-Skid Surfaces: Ensure outdoor steps are slip-resistant.
  • Lighting: Use motion-detector lights for added safety. Keep stairways clear and well-lit.


  • List Keeping: Maintain a current medication list and understand each medication's purpose.
  • Storage: Store according to instructions, keeping out of reach of children.


  • Power Supply: Provide adequate electrical power and notify your power company aboutessential equipment.
  • Maintenance: Keep equipment clean and in good condition, following manufacturer instructions.


  • Lifestyle Choices: Address medical conditions, maintain physical fitness, and ensure a healthy lifestyle to reduce fall risks.
  • Footwear: Choose non-slip, properly fitting footwear.
  • Awareness: Understand personal and environmental risk factors.

Falls: Prevention and Response
Falls, particularly among older adults, can lead to serious injuries and have long-term effects on mobility and independence. Understanding how to prevent falls and how to respond if you or someone else falls is crucial for maintaining safety and well-being at home.

What to Do If You Fall
Stay Calm: Take a moment to breathe and assess your situation before attempting any movement.
Assess for Injuries: Check if you can move without pain. If you suspect an injury, especially to your head, neck, back, hips, or legs, try not to move.
Attempt to Get Up (If Uninjured):

  • Roll onto your side and rest momentarily.
  • Push yourself up to a seated position using your arms.
  • Crawl or slide to a stable piece of furniture that can support your weight.
  • Slowly stand up by supporting yourself on the furniture, then carefully sit down.

Call for Help: If you're injured or unable to get up, try to reach your phone to call for help, use a medical alert system if you have one, or make noise to attract attention.
After a Fall: Even if you feel fine, it's important to inform your healthcare provider about the fall. They can assess for any potential injuries or underlying health issues that may have contributed to the fall.

What to Do If Someone Else Falls

Assess the Situation: Before acting, quickly assess the person's consciousness and whether they appear injured. Avoid moving them immediately.
Offer Comfort and Reassurance: Speak calmly and reassuringly. Let them know you're there to help.
Evaluate Injuries: Ask if they are hurt and where. If there are visible injuries or complaints of severe pain, especially in the head, neck, or back, do not attempt to move them. Call emergency services immediately.
Assist with Getting Up (If Uninjured):

  • If they feel they can get up, bring a sturdy chair near them.
  • Guide them to roll onto their side, then to a kneeling position, using the chair to support themselves.
  • Help them place the stronger leg in front, and from a kneeling position, assist them to stand and turn to sit on the chair.

Seek Medical Attention: Encourage them to see a healthcare provider for a check-up after a fall, even if they insist they're fine, to rule out injuries or medical issues.

Fall Prevention Tips

  • Keep Living Spaces Clutter-Free: Ensure pathways are clear of obstacles.
  • Improve Home Lighting: Use night lights and ensure switches are accessible.
  • Secure Rugs and Carpets: Use non-slip mats and tape down edges.
  • Install Grab Bars and Handrails: Particularly in bathrooms and along staircases.
  • Review Medications: Some medications can affect balance. Regularly review them with a healthcare provider.
  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity improves strength and balance.
  • Wear Proper Footwear: Shoes should provide good support and have non-slip soles.

By taking preventive measures and knowing how to respond to falls, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of injury and ensure a safer living environment. Remember, prompt action and care are essential after a fall to ensure the well-being of oneself or others.

Jun 11, 2024

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