Who Pays for Your Service Costs?

Funding Sources

CareSphere Accepts the following Funding Sources.

  1. Medicaid Waiver
    PA Access Card
    community Health Choices
    other insurance
  2. Veterans Program
    va logo
  3. Area Agency on Agency programs
    area aging logo

Self-Payment Options

If you don’t qualify for financial assistance or are eligible for only a limited amount of funding, you will need to pay privately. Self-payment options you might consider include:

  • Savings & Investments
  • Reverse Mortgages & Home Equity Lines of Credit, wherein the home is used as a financial resource
  • Life Insurance Policy Conversion, wherein a policy is converted into cash or home care services prior to the holder’s passing
  • Home Care Loans, which are intended for short-term needs, while waiting for other financing to become available
  • Long-Term Care Insurance benefits can be used to pay for home care
  • Family Assistance

If you do not have coverage from another source, you are ultimately responsible for your own service costs.

Jun 11, 2024

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